Monday, April 8, 2013

Turkish Simit Sesame Ring Bread Recipe





3½ teaspoon active dry yeast

Pinch of sugar
4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

1¼ teaspoon salt

About 1 cup lukewarm water

1 cup molasses

1 cup water
Sesame Seeds




Dissolve the yeast and sugar in ¼ cup warm water and let stand 10 minutes in a warm place until frothy. Make sure the water is warm not Hot.
Mix the flour, yeast mixture, salt and water.
Knead at least 10 minutes by hand, or 5 minutes by heavy-duty mixer, until the dough is very smooth springy.
Put the dough in a buttered bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise 2 hours.
Knead the dough a few times on a lightly floured work surface, roll into 2 balls, and divide into equal pieces.
let the dough rest under a slightly damp towel about 30 minutes.
Roll each ball into a 14 inch long rope.
Hold down one end of the rope with one hand while twisting it with the other.
Then form this twisted rope into ring, pressing and rolling the overlapping ends together to close it use a dap of water.
Place on a greased baking sheet or on parchment paper and let rest 1 hour.
Dissolve the molasses in 1 cup water in a bowl. Put the sesame seeds in another bowl and set it next to the molasses water.
Dip each Simit in molasses /water first, then in the sesame seeds, making sure the Simit is completely and thickly coated with the seeds on all sides.
Put it back on the baking sheet and let rest for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 550 degrees 30 minutes before baking.

Put a few cups of water in an ovenproof pan and place it in the oven.
Place the rings back on the baking sheet and let rest for 15 minutes or until well puffed.
Bake about 15-20 minutes until rich golden brown in color.
They are their best eaten fresh out of the oven.
Enjoy for breakfast with turkish coffee or tea.

Source:  G Hwang

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